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Technology Infrastructure

Stay connected at all times

We'll ensure your network connection remains in tip-top shape, so your organization never skips a beat.

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How we can help

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Critical Outage Alerts

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Critical Outage Alerts

Make sure you know what’s going on with your systems at all times. Our 24x7 infrastructure monitoring will ensure your systems are operating to expected levels or escalation for proper resolution actions.

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Security Patching

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Security Patching

New vulnerabilities or weaknesses are found every single day, and at Riverstrong, we make sure we stay ahead of the curve and that your organization’s vulnerabilities aren’t exploited by updating all your assets with managed security patches. 

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Network & Active
Directory Assessment

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Network & Active
Directory Assessment

We take a deep dive into all assets, accounts, permissions, and configurations within the organization to determine the current IT operations posture. Our consultants then deliver a risk and recommendations report, setting a foundation that aligns with best practices.

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Network and Server Architecture

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Network and Server Architecture

Our technicians are trained in maintaining networks and servers, troubleshooting issues with Active Directory, and best practices for peak performance. Allow our Network and Server specialists to design a solution that meets and exceeds your needs. 

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Data Center

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Data Center

Your data center is a complex and sensitive place that holds some of your most valuable business assets. We’ll partner with you to make sure the environment is completely monitored 24x7 with proper escalation procedures for incidents or outages.

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Unified Communications

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Unified Communications

Microsoft M365 enables unified communications across many channels, allowing teams across your organization to collaborate seamlessly. Allow our Microsoft M365 consultants to chart you
a new unified digital communications strategy. 

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Hosted VOIP

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Hosted VOIP

Modern telephone services enable the power of the cloud to provide vendor-hosted phone systems. Enlist our telephony specialists in designing a VOIP solution that meets your specific business needs. 

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Inside Riverstrong

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Meet Alex Pope

Sr Technology Consultant

Alex Pope has 9 years of experience in various roles within IT services, providing managed IT services for companies up to the enterprise level. He specializes in building future-forward infrastructure solutions that are tailored to meet each customer's unique operations while working to keep internal infrastructure ahead of the curve. After working for a large corporation for a number of years, Alex jumped at the opportunity to move to Riverstrong, compelled by its nimble company structure, strategic positioning in the MSP space and diverse talent pool.

Get started

Discovery Workshop

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Join our industry practice leads and strategy consultants for a 30 minute discovery session. During this workshop, we’ll discuss your company’s current state and goals for the next 12 months, examine technical and financial feasibility, outline business objectives, and build the right path.

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